
insights of an introvert

All that Glitters is Gold

This blog is in connection with John Green’s latest YouTube video with the same title. I will attach a link for reference after this post. John Green draws a connection between the lyrics of Led Zeppelin’s ‘Stairway to Heaven’ and Smash Mouth’s ‘All-Star’ in this video. He expresses the difference as well as the similarity between their apparently contrasting statements (“All that glitters is not gold” and “all that glitters is gold”)

Photo by Guillaume Hankenne on

The similarity is drawn by showing the full lyrics that were not included in Smash Mouth’s version. Furthermore, he also feels that even concluding to the superficial and vain reality that both address, there are still moments in life where we come to feel satisfaction and contentment in the delusion. And, maybe, that’s all that matters in the end.

Green also expresses the way some people view art as riddles to be solved. When we link or come to attach a social/political meaning to a piece of art that might simply be representing a universal and still personal experience. There lie human tendencies and flaws- to complicate the simple. When studies show that the human mind works to simplify complicated things for its understanding, the opposite seems also equally true.

Ironically, Green states in the end, just after he signs-off, that there are some clues in this video and the others to follow. This might just mean that not all art works like a mystery that needs to be solved, but mine does! It is funny, interesting, and contradicting.

Here’s the link to the video in reference- Do share with me if you come across any clues 🙂

One response to “All that Glitters is Gold”

  1. Love the song and Green’s videos and your observations are really interesting. Would like to read more of these! 💛

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